Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two Jews walk into a Russian bar. The bartender says, get the fuck out, you Jewish fucks.

Finally got to interact with some Russians. It was at a bar. I was with a group. They were polite, and did not sexually harass any of us, I call that a win. However. One of my favorite comedians, Eugene Mirman, a Russian, put it best: "What we as Americans think of as political correctness, Russians see as false manners and lies." Errybody racist. The way two of my teachers have put it is that "we all have prejudices. Some people just say them out loud." So... I don't... hm. One of the men at the bar said he didn't like Jewish people. I said why. He said why do you have to ask me, you don't like them either, you just haven't realized it yet. He must have heard about the housing market crisis on Wall Street. Damned if every one of those bastards ain't a Jew. Oh God, they're getting to me... 

But mostly I've been sitting in a cave of illness, unable to do anything fun, even missing out on Margarita Monday. If my life had a soundtrack, Mozart's Requiem would be suiting to sound my misery. There are activities I could potentially participate in at school... tonight is game night. But if there is one thing I'm not interested in doing, it's sitting around for an even longer amount of time with the juvenile douche b's I'm stuck in class with all day just so I can watch them become so uber competitive that the only way they can settle a disputed scrabble score is to see how far they can launch their seed while they beat each other off. 

I could REALLY have used Margarita Monday. 

Anyway. Sorry so short. When life gets more interesting and less sickly, there will be stories to be told, I'm sure. 

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